Thursday, July 13, 2006

its been ages again.

throughout the days, i found myself getting sicker and sicker

i shall STOP myself from reading thrillers!

gosh. maybe acting as the murderer in our video has made me into one!


i can't believe myself. thus, i should make more vows like last time:
(check to see what i wrote last time.

meanwhile, i should
1) stop saying damn , dammit
2) stop saying shit! poopoohead is fine haha
3) stop saying whatthehell
4) stop screaming so often, haha
5) and stop being so emotional everytime =.=

yeah. i'be been using too much damns and darns lately.

notice board competion. AGAIN. sigh....

choir tomorrow. have to bring gown. sigh...

loads of homework to do. sigh...

i'm gonna have to sleep late again. sigh...

look at all the stress that we teens face nowadays. sigh...

gah. i'm off to

1) finish my 5 noses, eyes, ears and mouths
2) maths
3) argumentative essay

to hell with stupid homework.
and i hate mr low.

idon't understand a thing he says and he's gay.
ah well i don't mind the gay part (though i hate his "cool?")
i just don't like the way he teachers

seriously, nobody really listens.

why do our science teachers suck so much besides ms ng?

i told ya VJC rock.

bye people, don't miss me.

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